

Unlock the Magic of Memories with Relivo: Elevate Your Events with Personalized event experiences

At Relivo, we're dedicated to transforming your events into unforgettable experiences. Imagine a world where every attendee receives a personalized photo gallery, thanks to the magic of facial recognition. We curate cherished memories that strengthen connections and create lasting impressions.

Our Features:

Memories Platform: Seamlessly collect and organize event photos and videos, personalized just for each attendee.
GDPR-Compliant Sharing: Share memories securely with GDPR compliance in mind.
Contact list building: Collect attendees emails/phone numbers when they are finding their photos.

Personalized Prints: Choose from a variety of designs and create heartfelt thank-you cards with your event photos.


Our Use Cases:

Relive the Experience: Your event photos are linked to your entrance ticket, ensuring safekeeping of your cherished moments.
Personalized Marketing Campaigns: Share tailor-made content, including those cherished memories, through personalized emails or text messages.

Photo Crowd Sourcing: Let everyone share their best moments to gather content from attendees during the event.

Discover the magic of Relivo and make your events truly unforgettable.  and embark on a journey of personalized experiences!

Contact us at for more information. Together, let's create memories that last a lifetime.


Contact Information:

Phone: +32478/436579