

At Circulware, we believe in the "the taste of zero waste." That's why our packaging and tableware, after hundreds of reuses, get a second life. Produce once and maximize the benefits. That's how we get the most out of our resources and complete the circle.

Our foundation for a circular chain is plastic. A problem when mishandled, but promising and sustainable when handled like we do. Plastic is incredibly strong and ideal for preserving the flavor of food and drinks. In nature, it's waste, but at Circulware, it's the raw material for the future. That's why we never lose sight of our products. Beautiful for you and for the Earth.

We are based in the Netherlands and that is also where we manufacture. This ensures top-quality products and reduces CO2 emissions, as we don't need to travel the world. It's good for the environment and the local economy.

The Circulware collection is our response to today's demand for a more sustainable lifestyle in the hospitality industry. In collaboration with large and small users, we have developed our Circulware program. Whether it's take-away, catering, or large-scale events, Circulware provides the solution.

With the extensive range of Circulware, you are guaranteed packaging that perfectly complements the dishes or beverages you serve. The extensive Circulware menu includes containers, bowls, trays, coffee cups, drink glasses, and cutlery.

Join in on "the taste of zero waste" and make a difference!